In an effort to maintain Internet harmony, I am hanging with Gord tonight. We will sit around a table in a dark smoke-filled room and discuss world politics, the economy and the price of tea in Guatemala. By sitting down together we will ensure that the Internet will survive a few more days thanks to our efforts.
In reality we’re going to eat poorly and drink. It will start off with my first trip to Garage Burger Bar, and then we will take our mighty team of two to Sherwood Park and try to be intoxicated before the sun dips below the horizon. Little Caesers and their $5 hot “n readies will fuel our hunger and we will kick it old school with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle emulator on Gord’s pimped out XBOX. It’s a Tuesday, and for no better reason than it being a Tuesday we’re going to paint the town blue or maybe even yellow.
We also need some time to prepare for Boys Night “05, because it’s been eleven months since the last time we have done this we may be a little rusty so this is kind of like our Olympic Trials for next month’s big event.