Last January 31st I was asked “What was I most proud of in 2004?”. Last year the answer was simple, I said that getting my degree with honors topped the list. But this year, I don’t have a quick and easy answer.
I have had a good year but nothing really jumps out. Getting promoted at Dell, vacation to Vancouver with Jenna, my year of concerts, buying two cars (Porsche and Jetta), leaving Dell for my current job’I just don’t know. There isn’t anything that I could frame, hang on a wall and say “that was my 2005 – it was amazing”. Think about it, what would you say your personal best in 2005 was? Is it an easy answer or is it difficult to choose?
Did I have such a great year that I can’t pick a favorite, or maybe I didn’t accomplish anything I could be proud of? It’s a little disheartening to not have an immediate high point in your year and still be happy with where you are at in life.
To lighten the mood from this existentialism train of thought I did a Google Image Search for “personal highlight 2005” and found this gem. Hope your 2006 has a great start!