My Dirty Lenses

By | June 3, 2009

I remember the night well. It was a warm evening in Millet and I went for a walk with some friends to honor the final day before I was equipped with glasses. As a Junior High student in a small school I thought I was doomed by wearing glasses. They took a long time to become comfortable with them but after a while they were natural and felt they were always there.

I bent my first set of frames more than I can remember. It seemed that glasses had the magical presence to attract a soccer ball, volleyball or basketball to the face. This would usually lead to a bend in the bridge, warping the nose piece or damaging the arm. I became quite adept at fixing glasses on the go, and to my surprise they never broke.

Contacts came in High School and it was an experience to be liberated from the glasses but they did not come without consequence. My eyes were dry, a little red, and never completely comfortable with them in. I used them gladly over glasses when it came to playing a sport that involved a helmet.

Years passed and glasses became a way of life, just something I had to take care of every day. The dry weather of Alberta forced me to rely on glasses more than contacts. When it came time to buy new frames I discovered the goldmine of buying frames/lenses from online stores. I enjoyed fashion and diversity at a cost of $10 to $30 for new frames compared to insanely priced $200+ ones at Lenscrafters or other locations.

All of this will be a distant memory after today as I have laser corrective surgery done on my eyes. I have thought about laser eye surgery for years. It was always some notion in the back of my head and in May I decided it was time to investigate for myself and see what my options were. Things moved at a faster rate than I expected and the week following my initial consultation with the doctor I selected I was booked for the surgery.

I opted for Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and my healing process will put me out of commission for a few days. I will try and document the next few days as best I can but I am not expecting much computer use in that time so we will see what happens.

Morning Sun Rise (tn)Always one for tradition, I made sure that the final night, and morning, before my surgery was memorable. I played hockey with the Ice Dragons netting a goal and an assist (sadly in a loss). Then in the morning I awoke before the sun in the morning and watched its rise on the deck with a cup of coffee, my thoughts, birds chirping and the sound of commuters going to work early.

I guess I will see you around Internet, stay classy.

My Television Rundown

By | June 1, 2009

A few weeks ago the television season drew to a close, however with another binge of Battlestar Galactica and other things taking precedence I was unable to complete all of the May finales until recently. September seems so long ago, a fresh season of possibilities is now ready for critiquing. I could talk about any of the following shows ad nauseum so I will try to keep this brief.

Person watching static

Monday Night
Chuck: My leader of Monday night programming. There were some stunts this year (the 3D episode and large guest stars) that may not have worked as well as originally hoped, but that did not take away from a really solid sophomore season. The story progressed nicely, there was the right blend of cheesiness and humor and there was a definite story arc determined in the beginning and stuck to right through the end. This show has given me plenty of laughs and entertainment and I am extremely happy to welcome Chuck back again for a third season.

How I Met Your Mother: If Chuck had not been as solid this year HIMYM would have taken top ranks for Monday programming. Still, this year was not without its flaws. While Sarah Chalke is a fun actress her Stella character was a low point in the season. The show has dipped and dived around the ‘who is the Mother’ arc with some interesting b-stories (Robin and Barney) but it was always in the background. This season finally delivered on the goat, which has been teased about since the beginning. Next to debating when the next slap will occur this left me really satisfied.

The Big Bang Theory: A consistently enjoyable show. It was always a reliable choice on an otherwise busy Monday of programming. Thinking back on the year that was I am not sure I could define one main plot point. There was relationship tension between Penny and Leonard, but everything seemed to be a stand-alone story. The laugh track can be a bit extreme for some viewers but don’t let that spoil what is an otherwise smart and cute story.

24: I groan when I think of what I sat through with season six of 24. On the roller coaster ride of this series season six was the lowest point. The writers strike was a blessing in disguise as it gave more time to develop the season seven story, craft Redemption to be a nice lead-in for the season. The tension level was high to start the season but slowly lost momentum. It was good TV but I was never as fixed to the TV craving the next episode as I have in the past with the series. I may put 24 into exile next season.

Heroes: I stopped watching after the third Chapter break, or the mid point in season three. I have put this series in limbo and will watch the most recent episodes during the summer time. This is the equivalent of a show being put in purgatory, it could return from it, or it could disappear forever if I am not impressed.

Tuesday Night
Fringe: I have a love/hate relationship with this show. There have been some strong story arcs, but they would be intermixed with stand alone episodes that did not further the overall plot. Having watched the pilot last summer I feel like I have been watching this show for years and to think it has only been a single season is surprising. I want to like this show, I am excited for the mythology they have created but it is not addressed the same way the mysteries in Lost was set up and I find my interest fluctuates.

Wednesday Night
Lost: The highlight of my television week. When Lost and Battlestar Galactica were on at the same time I was a happy person. This season has been extremely well done, a lot happened in this short season and the set up for the final season is huge. This show will always be my favorite regardless of what else airs that week, I just have to wait until January to feel that way again.

Scrubs: I love Scrubs. We have had some great moments, but the last few seasons have been mediocre in quality and I was prepared for this season on ABC to be its last. The stories had an improvement, the lighting was turned down and the fantasy sequences were less outrageous. The final minutes of the season were a perfect series finale, and now that there is talk of bringing the crew back for another season I feel incredibly torn and not sure I will add it to my television line up.

Thursday Night
The Office: A reliable choice on Thursday’s, easily the highlight of the day. This show is easy to get into and you can lose yourself in that half hour laughing through most of it. I enjoyed the Michael Scott Paper Company arc and am pleased to see some development with Jim and Pam.

ER: I was glad to have been with this from the beginning, and its final season was a nice ending. This year had a really good story, past characters being brought back was a nice touch and went out with another busy day at County.

Survivor: Easily digestible television that has been a routine of mine since 2000. I enjoy Survivor for the inter-personal conflicts, the variety of challenges and how I go from hating a character in the beginning to loving them in the end. I have no other investment in this series other than out of habit. I do not need to watch this live, and if I miss a week I can still follow along the following week. This year was enjoyable but not as good as some in recent memories, still I will tune in for the next edition in the fall.

Friday Night
Battlestar Galactica: What more can be said about a show that I have talked about in length on here and have seen each episode four or more times? I loved this show completely, I still enjoy watching episodes and have probably not come to terms with it going off the air. It was an end of week highlight and I have felt my Friday’s a little lacking since March 20th.

Dollhouse: Like Fringe, I am in a love/hate relationship with this show. When asked “Which show should Fox cancel: Dollhouse or Fringe?” my answer changes, likely based on how terrible either episode was the previous week. I am pleased this show will have a second season to continue with the trend that season one finished with, but there is only so much I am will to tolerate Joss; make the next season good or I will have lost all hope. If this show could maintain the quality it showed in the final episodes of season one then this could be a weekly favorite.

Sunday Night
Dexter: That show was on television? A show that has a limited number of episodes that airs at the beginning of the television year could easily be forgotten but many months ago there was another installment of Mr. Morgan and his life as a serial killer. The time has made me forget the good and bad points of the last season but the tension was always at a point of breaking with Miguel, Rita and an endless supply of foes in Miami.

Thanks 2008-2009 television season, you were great and treated me to some amazing moments. See you soon with a new batch of shows to watch.

My Adult Cat

By | May 22, 2009

Bauer became an adult yesterday. His birth certificate from the Humane Society said he was born on May 21, 2008 but that is not why he left his kitten ways behind. Yesterday Bauer was able to use his feline mind trick powers to coax a bird into our laundry vent.

He did not realize he was successful in his mission until Jenna turned the drier on to clean some clothes and heard some rustling and a faint chirp. For the next few hours Bauer awaited his prey by the drier, staring at the metallic tubing for hours, waiting for his chance to attack.

When I returned from work I cleared out the laundry room to make room to move the drier and began my extraction of whatever was in the tubing. I had no idea how big, or how small, the bird was in the tubing when I was shaking it out so I expected the worst.

Even though I knew a bird was in the tubing I was still surprised to see a dust covered bird plop into the box. I carried the box to the balcony and took the cover off expecting the bird to immediately fly away. It stayed in the box for a minute or so, examining its surroundings and then flew away seeking salvation in a nearby tree.

Bird in the drier Bird in the drier Bird in the drier Bird in the drier

How the bird got into the drier’s exhaust is a mystery, but I am sure Bauer is already planning his next mind trick on a much larger target for his second birthday.

My El Canine

By | May 18, 2009

May Long weekend is the reason you eat hot dogs. Come rain or shine, and in the instance of this weekend, snow, hot dogs are consumed. Jenna and I were only camping for a single day, and had we stayed longer I may have completed my tube steak challenge. Instead I hit a very important milestone by reaching fifty.

Hot Dog Challenge - 50

At the end of last month I encountered some very unpleasant hot dogs with dried buns and burnt wieners.

I will have to do right by them and make sure the next hot dogs have fresh buns from the bakery and complete with all of the fixings.

The five on Saturday may not have had bakery fresh buns, fried onions or gourmet relish but there was a simple condiment arsenal of ketchup, mustard and relish and best of all, an open fire. I may save the bakery fresh buns for when I complete my challenge.

My Soul Consumption

By | May 14, 2009

slashfilm posted:

Michael Emerson, who plays Ben Linus on ABC’s LOST, says that the season finale for Season Five will make you want to eat your soul.

I went into the season five finale of Lost cold. All I saw was a cut off preview after the end of Follow The Leader, but surely not enough to have predicted what would happen last night. Right from the opening you knew this episode was going to be different, and having what Michael Emerson said in the back of my head I was prepared for anything…how naive I was.

Lost: Season 5 Promo

It feels like the fifth season just started and now I begin the last eight to nine month wait for the final season to return. Last nights episode was everything I could have hoped for and then some. If you had not seen the finale then turn back now because I will be talking about episode specific things.

Lost: Locke vs. Jacob

The beginning sequence set the tone for the episode with the introduction of the infamous Jacob, and perhaps the Black Rock approaching in the distance. Jacob appearing as a background character in the lives of Oceanic 815, at critical times in their lives was a huge thrill. It almost became a game of ‘guess who the character is’ when you went through a flashback. Jin and Sun’s wedding vows, the “count to five” surgery Jack had always talked about, Kate and Tom getting their memory lunch box, Sawyer’s letter, Nadia’s death; little pieces of history coming together.

The first hour was so packed with plot and development that I was exhausted when it was all over, and then the final hour flew by. Juliet’s death was so much more painful after you see her parents flashback and then the quick (and long overdue) conversation with Rose and Bernard, the incredible reveal of what was in the Ajira 316 cargo box and finally Ben’s rage on Jacob. Everything was coming to a brilliant end, my brain was reeling from the last few minutes. Then, just when you cannot take enough the screen goes white and…

Lost: Logo Inverted

…the ultimate cliffhanger.

Everything about this show is now uncertain. Whatever I had figured out is now rewritten. What is going to happen next? Better yet, what can happen next? Even though 30 years separate the events will the death of Jacob be affected by Juliet setting off the bomb? Or was Miles right and the Incident Jack was trying to prevent was actually him that caused it and nothing will change? Will next season start with them landing at LAX successfully or has all of this happened before and will continue to happen?

Today the countdown starts, I will just close my eyes and count to five. One…

My Playoff Beard

By | May 12, 2009

Beard Face - 70x70I had a dream.

A dream that would have taken the Canucks all the way to the Stanley Cup finals. This year felt different, it felt like we had a chance. We came off an amazing second half and went into the first round of the playoffs with a full roster.

To celebrate the occasion I decided to grow a playoff beard. No razor would touch my face as long as the Canucks were still in the post season. I have neglected to shave before, usually over a weekend, but the only area that would see growth was a perfectly formed goatee. I felt that this challenge would be a good way to find out what can grow where, and how much.

I was one day shy of going four full weeks without shaving, almost went the duration of Survivor, and then the Chicago Blackhawks came along and outgunned my team in a thrilling sixth, and deciding, game. I held a moment of silence for my team and my recently crushed hopes and shaved off the beard.

Canucks - Luongo : end of game six

The aftermath wasn’t pretty but the end result was a smooth face I had not felt in a long time. When I was all done I realized how much I licked my upper lip because I never quite got used to the feeling of the bristly mustache. Most people said I looked very French, not sure if that was a compliment or an insult. Either way, it was a sight to behold as it grew in a very sleazy way.

Forty-nine photos were used in the animated image of the playoff beard, but if you want to see it a little better you can see it in 334×338 (2.8MB) or the larger version of 556×553 (7.2MB).

Thanks for the season Canucks, one day we will reach our dream together.

My Closing Heart

By | May 9, 2009

Scrubs - Sacred Heart LogoThe third, and hopefully, final show that I watch aired its final episode this week. The doctors and nurses of Sacred Heart aired what could have been the series finale for Scrubs on Wednesday. I have been a fan of Scrubs for many seasons. Like most shows I watch over multiple years I was able to see the show start out young, and fresh, and then slowly evolve over time.

Whatever road it went down Scrubs still remained one of my favorite shows to watch. The comical timings were excellent, the dream sequences were outrageous (Turk and JD walking into Sacred Heart as pimps, Luftballons) and had some remarkable jokes (Pancake Drawer, Warrior, Safety Dance, Toto, Moment Killer). I think I reference Scrubs in my day to day conversations more than I realize. Scrubs also had a direct impact on “Pioneer on the Internet” as I adopted the “My” naming convention for posts back in November 2005.

Scrubs is one of the only shows where I have spent hours going through uploaded clips and remembering the good times. Even while finding clips for this post I spent another hour going from one to another, trying to find specific moments or just see what people had thought was worthy of uploading.

Scrubs Cast (White)

Still, for all of the good times there were some low points with the Scrubs franchise. Most fans of the show will agree that the first few seasons were amazing and the quality started to go down around the later seasons. To add insult to injury the show suffered neglect by NBC and was not given proper treatment in its seventh season. The future of Scrubs was in jeopardy and Bill Lawrence (creator) was able to negotiate a move for the show over to ABC and give it the proper ending he felt it deserved.

The season on ABC had a definite change in production, writing and feel. The show returned to a darker lighting, with less focus on trying to outdo past stunt and more on the people and relationships. It was a season that fans could be proud of and remember Scrubs the way it used to be.

Now, the future of an ninth season is to be determined but Zach Braff has decided to leave the show and Bill Lawrence is unsure of his involvement for another season. I have read discussions that the show would continue and focus on the new interns, with some remaining cast to help out. I can see it working, but for me, at least emotionally, Scrubs ended on Wednesday night.

The final episode, appropriately titled “My Finale”, was an emotional and fitting end for the show. Many things were not addressed but it was great closure on several items. The fifty plus guest appearances was a fantastic touch at the end, especially Mrs. Tanner from the epic season one episode My Old Lady.

This series had a healthy mix of relationships, medical drama and comedy. Occasionally the balance would shift but at the core of it all was a fantastic show that is worthy of multiple re-watches or watching for the first time.

Finale five!

My Weekend Rundown

By | May 3, 2009

Now for an edition of my Saturday weekend report, weighing the good and bad of another ordinary day in the life of me.



  • Canucks lost badly against Chicago
  • Car was broken into later that night and my camera and lenses were among the items stolen

Jetta Break In
