My Broken Pieces

By | March 18, 2009

The last 24 hours have been pretty busy around these parts as I put together the pieces. I have taken this ‘fresh start’ opportunity to separate the blog and gallery onto their own sub domains, something I have thought about doing for a while.

Keith started a mission to retrieve my previously lost blog posts from the depths of Google, and more successfully, Yahoo’s web cache so it is likely that seagurs could regain its former glory. What he has done is fairly impressive and I will post his method here so that someone else may use it if they find themselves in the same position I was in.

However the name seagurs is so close to being mine but it is so far away. When 1and1 canceled the web hosting and domain information the domain did not come back on the market for purchase. When looking at the WhoIs information for it I see that I won’t have to wait much longer.

created: 20-Mar-2005
last-changed: 16-Mar-2009
registration-expiration: 20-Mar-2009

Almost four years to the date my seagurs domain would have expired, I find something very odd about the timing of that and everything going belly up.

If Gord doesn’t buy the domain out from under me I will go ahead and buy the domain name back because it is easy to type (all but one letter can be typed with the left hand) and everyone that visited the site knew the address.

Soon things should return to their former self around here, however the gallery will take a little longer to rebuild. I have found many gaps in my Project 365 archives so none of the albums will be complete. If this whole adventure has taught me anything it is to always have a backup and that I can access it at any time.

My New Beginning

By | March 17, 2009

I was going to write one of two posts. This is the one I didn’t plan out, nor ever want to write.

Three and a half years of seagurs blogs, photo gallery updates, hosted audio files have all been deleted. Everything that the Internet knew of me was erased.

I have no one to blame but myself. All of this started when Dad canceled 1and1 payments for the domain and hosting for his business. Unbeknownst to him he took out everything I had because I was piggybacking on his account. I should have done regular backups, I should have been on my own hosting plan, I should have been more proactive…I should have done a lot of things.

When seagurs was inaccessible I was torn. Was this my chance to start fresh or walk away from it all together? I have recently wondered what it would be like to shut down the blog, but in that story I could always return to it with my files intact. However, not having it accessible was forcing my decision to face a cold truth: it could all be lost.

I realize that what I lost wasn’t important. I lost 1’s and 0’s, non-physical things. Still, I lost years of memories. I have spent countless hours going through old blog posts, reading about the experiences I have had, the highs and lows of my life as it was an in depth journal into my life.

Since I started seagurs I changed jobs, moved into a condo, got engaged, got married, been to Cuba and Mexico, traveled from BC to Saskatchewan for concerts and many other memories and allowed me to grow as a person.

Can seagurs be the same or is the archive what defined the site?

My Music Radio

By | March 13, 2009

I had a problem with my music library, but the thing was I did not realize it was a problem until I read about the following on

Sometimes the endless rows of music in my media player leave me at a loss. I have a music collection that I?ve spent years lovingly crafting. All my favourite bands. Yet as I spin my mouse wheel its full length, nothing springs out. I scroll up, scouring the rows for something fresh. I scroll down, searching for some long forgotten treasure. After a few minutes I select ?shuffle? and go make a cup of tea.

I agreed with everything! I have found myself cycling through my music with no goal or objective in mind. Now that does not have to happen because earlier this week introduced Boffin which allows me to create a radio station with my selection of music.

First off, it scans everything in my collection and keeps track of all labels and tags. From here, and with the help of magic from HQ it checks what others have classified that music as and voila I have Sean Radio.


Now, whatever mood I am in for I can find it. If I want to get a splash of alt-country, punk cabaret and rock I can do that. It is like Party Shuffle and Genius from iTunes combined with to make a great product. I have spent hours going through my library and was never bored or uninterested in what I was hearing. Now when I want casual acoustic I won’t be surprised when Stone Temple Pilots or AC-DC come on.

A good company is one that makes a product you use every day. A great company is one that makes a product for something you never realized you needed and does it seamlessly.

My Not So Perfect Storm

By | March 12, 2009

Over the last few months I have been holding out for that one perfect week where every show I watch aired. Battlestar Galactica and Lost returned in the same week in January and Dollhouse was premiering in February, and with shows that started in Fall 2008 still ongoing I figured there would be plenty of opportunities for the worlds to align and I would be treated with Monday through Friday of television.

It never played out that way. I was always robbed of this magical week because of many reasons. Several weren’t aired due to Presidential press conferences, networks went dark on others because they were avoiding the DTV switch that went into play in some markets and then the usual scheduling issues that networks have prevented other ones from airing.

In the next three months I will say goodbye for good when three of my TV wrap for good and while their absence from the weekly program grid would increase the odds of this television storm aligning I wanted every show I watched in the 2008-2009 season to be on at once.

Program Grid – March 12

This week is as close to the storm as I would get except ABC robbed me of that with Scrubs and Lost not being aired. Even Jenna’s programs almost had a 100% turn out rate. It seems I was chasing an elusive dream that was never meant to be.

My Right Keys

By | March 6, 2009

There are very few things that make me happier than good TV. TV that gets an emotional rise out of me is better. TV that can stir emotions and make me tug at my hair as a wonderful story unfolds is best. Last week’s episode of Battlestar Galactica titled Someone To Watch Over Me did just that. It made me feel like I was watching the season three finale Crossroads Pt. II again.

Battlestar Galactica - Starbuck Slick Piano

Bear McCreary wrote a very long, in-depth and informative three post blog recap on his experience with that episode and the passion he had for that episode was evident in the final product. There were too many things to list that this episode did right and it makes the series finale on March 20th a little bittersweet. This episode was amazing because there is an end game in sight, and if it weren’t for the show coming to a close it may not have happened otherwise.

Two weeks from now it will be coming to a close. I will be experiencing the first of three shows I watch come to a final curtain call, something I am not sure how I will deal with just yet but that is Future-Sean’s problem and I still have several hours of Battlestar Galactica to enjoy.

My Tube Challenge

Hot Dog Tube Steak Challenge 38

My Vertigo Dollar Line

By | March 3, 2009

Today marks the release of U2″s new album No Line On The Horizon. However, thanks to someone Universal the album was put on sale early and subsequently making its way around the file sharing community I have listened to the album thoroughly. However, this post is not an album review, but a discussion on what will be following very soon: a world tour.

U2 No Line on the Horizon album

I have seen U2 in 2001 and 2005 and both shows were an experience onto themselves. U2 may have been slipping with their effort in the studio but they are the best live act I have seen and have vowed to travel whatever distance to see them live. Therein lies the problem.

In the last few months there has been talk about Ticketmaster and Live Nation merging, which could raise ticket prices. U2″s tour company is Live Nation and hasn’t been without their ticket sale issues in the past but this merger has me concerned as a fan, especially one trying to buy tickets for one of the biggest bands in the world.

Recently there have been issues with Leonard Cohen and Bruce Springsteen tickets going through an auction site, well before the public on-sale date, and charging an unfair amount to fans. I am afraid, and almost expecting, this to happen for U2.

If I could pay to guarantee my priority ticket purchase, could I justify it? That is what has been going back and forth over in my head. offers a subscription to their website, in addition to exclusive-this and behind the scenes-that when there is a tour involved members of the site get an exclusive on-sale for them. This is something other bands have done, the first that comes to my mind is the Pearl Jam Ten Club.

U2 Vertigo Tour

I bought a membership in 2005 and used it to secure seats to their Vancouver performance. Would I have still gotten tickets without the membership? Sure, I think so, but I may have been fighting for 300-level seats instead of the 100-level ones but the first show sold out very fast a second was added and I could have been directly in the middle of that mess trying to get it sorted out. However, I also know someone who went to 13+ Vertigo shows, and the membership was not used for all of them, so is there much of a benefit?

U2 Edge Vancouver encore guitarWhat does it all mean? Is $50 worth it to be the first in line to spend $300+ on tickets? It kind of feels like a “Sucker Tax”. Although when U2 performs that one song that speaks to you on a different level, puts on a visually stunning display during Where The Streets Have No Name or takes you on an amazing musical journey for two hours you aren’t thinking about the extra $50 you spent to get there.

It was that feeling, the one that I have only seen U2 been able to pull off, that I decided the extra cost was worth it for peace of mind. Now I have to spend the next few weeks (or months) reading rumors on potential tours and scouring fan sites looking for any bit of information I can glean, like I have done for the last two tours.

My Galactica Sonatica

By | February 27, 2009

Last week I got the notion in my head that I would like to see Battlestar Galactica music composer Bear McCreary perform his pieces live. I am a huge fan of his work with the series and the two shows he performed last April were well received by everyone in attendance.

Logistically speaking this would be a mess and anything but cheap. Last year the tickets were $20 but when you include airfare to fly into Los Angeles, transportation, food and a hotel room it would definitely inflate the cost; but what a trip it would be.

Bear McCreary Composing

There is no guarantee that a live performance will happen, it’s all speculation. However it is something McCreary wanted to do again and with the series wrapping up next month I think it would be a nice send off. Although all of this could just be one giant Cylon pipe dream.

I will stay on the look out for any performance rumors. If you would be interested in an Alberta to California trip to hear the live musical performances from a science fiction show (as I try my best to sell the nerd factor) get in touch with me.

Top 10 artists

Thinking about making such a trip for Bear McCreary got me wondering about the artists in my top ten list, according to my How many of them had I seen live? If I was such a fan of their studio music then at the very least I should see them perform live.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that there were only three I had not seen live. Besides the aforementioned Bear McCreary The Beatles is one that I will have to live vicariously through historic footage on, but Radiohead is still very around and touring and a possibility.

I may not go out of my way to see Thom Yorke and company live, like I have with U2 or The White Stripes, but if the opportunity presents itself I would do my part to complete this Top Artists challenge. Or maybe I am going about this all the wrong way and should listen to artists that are more prone to touring Canada?

So say we all.

My Delayed Appreciation

By | February 23, 2009

Baraka Monkey NaganoIn the fall of 1993 I had just turned eleven and saw something I would not appreciate until over 15 years later. I saw a lot of movies when I was growing up, but one in particular stands out. In November Mother dragged Dad and I to see Baraka in theaters. I hated it. For an eleven year old I found no redeeming value in the movie, there were no words, it had strange music and peculiar visuals.

Dad and I bugged Mom for months, even years, following that movie. It was the movie that we compared all movies to after the fact but I just did not understand it. Even now when I told Dad about the movie he groaned and asked if I knew what I was doing, after all these years that wound never healed.

The powers of technology have allowed Baraka to return to my life, this time in the form of a beautiful transition to Blu-ray. When visual aficionados list must-have movies on Blu-ray this one is high on their list and on the weekend I realized why.

Baraka Movie Title

What I could not understand 15 years ago I appreciated now. I understood what the movie was saying and even after all of this time the message could still be interpreted.

I can’t say exactly what did it for me in this movie but I felt an emotional connection to several scenes and thought the images were very powerful. Every shot felt like a beautiful photograph and I would be lucky enough to witness just one of those moments for myself.

I’m glad to have given this movie another chance even if it was the punch line to so many jokes all those years ago.