I was searching for silhouettes of people, or a team, for a mock-up for a new CurlTV page and realized that silhouettes are really neat. I became my search with “face silhouette” and was a little surprised to find nudity in there. You can’t go anywhere without a nipple or three popping up.
After months of entertaining the notion I think I have decided to sell my Heritage H-550. I bought it nearly four years ago and I remember the months of research that lead up to its purchase.
I originally contacted the dealer while I was doing Dell training at NAIT and when the dealer first email came in I was ecstatic. What followed was weeks of emails back and forth and a very long shipping process, one that lead to me calling in sick so I could be home when the final delivery attempt was made. I have looked back on those emails and remember it like I am looking through a photo album.
Like several things, I have realized I am not an active participant in them like I was years ago; most notably guitars and concerts. When I started playing guitar I began on a simple acoustic but my dreams outgrew my ability and after a few months I got it in my head that a better guitar would make me a better guitarist.
If there was a book of obvious things that need to be told to people this would go in there so others would not make the same mistake I did.
I am not sure how to go about selling such an instrument, especially in Edmonton. I called Avenue Guitars but was told it would be a long time (not months, but years) until my guitar was brought out from their stock and put on display. There are other guitar stores in Edmonton but I trust Avenue Guitars, but if I want to go through a store perhaps I should contact a few other reputable places.
I have considered going through eBay, Facebook and Kijiji. The benefit of the last two is that the transfer would most likely be local so there would be no problems shipping the guitar or being subject of a money scam. When I get an idea in my head I want to act on it immediately, and just like the original moment I decided to buy a Heritage, I want to sell the guitar now.
Fortunately for me I have gained a little sense and will wait until we return from Mexico before preparing an online posting. Posting an ad and then neglecting potential buyers for two weeks could be bad for business. In the mean time I have put a word out to a few people at work that I am looking to sell Bethany and maybe something will come of that before I can post the guitar online.
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