Last night Jonathan and I went on an adventure that lead us to a gentleman’s club called Diamonds. I learned a few things on this field trip that I would like to share with you as well. There are fifty girls that work at Diamonds, but rotate days worked. So, for instance, last night had eleven of those fifty working. In order to become a stripper for Diamonds or a similar establishment you will need to sign up through an agency and then drop off your resume.
Once you have the support from these agencies then you can travel and clean poles all around the world. At Diamonds there are girls who do stage dancing as well as privates ones, and then some girls who are private dancing only. There is good money to be had in this business, and if you spend your money wisely and invest then you can purchase a $400,000 home and a Hummer at the age of twenty-six.
The goal is to always keep learning in life and last night I learned about the business of a gentleman’s club. Tonight, Gord and I are going to take what we learned from our November trials and make Boys Night 2005 (a.k.a. BN2K5) bigger, better and brighter – since it’s the Holiday Season and all. I will race sunset to intoxication, but failing that I will be right behind it. Gord and I will also finish off the last three episodes of Lost, play some XBOX, get cheap pizza, let the sounds of Shatner and Nimoy calm our souls and make the night ours.