I don’t claim to understand how packages make their way from one location to another. I like to think that a shipment will go in the most direct manner, but my recent Monoprice order told me that a package can go a long ways in the opposite direction before it gets to its destination.
Ontario, California – Portland, Oregon: 1,348km
Portland, Oregon – Louisville, Kentucky: 3,000km
Louisville, Kentucky – Sioux Falls, South Dakota: 1,032km
Sioux Falls, Dakota – Calgary, Alberta: 1,550km
Calgary, Alberta – Edmonton, Alberta: 290km
Distance traveled from August 25 to August 27: 7,200km
The direct distance from Ontario, California to Edmonton, Alberta is 2,185km but this box travelled three times that distance. I wish I understood the logic of how this happens, perhaps there is a large depot in Kentucky or this was the easiest way to get the box to Canada in a matter of days. No matter, the box arrived (it suffered a dinged corner) but all things considered it must have had an interesting adventure.