My Morning Prayer

By | September 1, 2007

GrandpaSleep comes like a drug
In God’s Country
Sad eyes, crooked crosses
In God’s Country

It has no relevance, but at 3:30AM this morning the chorus to In God’s Country from U2 crept into my head and has not been able to leave.

I keep repeating it, looking for significance or a reason why that was the first song I thought of in that hallway. Whatever history existed behind those words are now replaced with my own.

And now a family separated years ago is slowly returning to each other on the other side and I miss them both.

My Embarrassment Stage

By | July 25, 2007

Another year and another scandal?

I have not had the opportunity to watch much of the Tour de France as compared to last year. Our cable package does not have OLN so the live coverage in the morning or the recap package in the evenings are lost. I have to rely on catching an hours worth at the gym in the morning or through web updates.

Tour de France - Vinokourov Mountains

Suffice to say I have felt disconnected with the marquee race this year. From what I have seen I enjoyed.

There was a lot of stories to cover. I am not overly familiar with the riders, and the ones I had kept my eye on were mostly because of media attention.

With that said, Rasmussen, Boonen, Leipheimer and Mayo were the names I looked for during each stage.

Tour de France - Vinokourov VictoryVinokourov become a noteworthy cyclist after crashing in stage five. The next stage he returned with bandages and started losing ground of the overall. After watching a short OLN bio on him I was interested and hoped he would finish the race and make his home country proud.

Unfortunately Vinokourov has been in the news for more than his accident. Just as was the case with Landis last year, a magnificient stage win has been followed by doping allegations.

Unlike last year, there appears to be a little more attention and Vinokourov and his team have dropped out of the race.

What used to be a respectable event has now become the target of accusations and scandals. Vinokourov is the not the only rider to have come under doping allegations and as the final stages of the race approach perhaps there will be more?

I find it difficult to be faithful to a sport where such blatant rule breaking takes place. After last year I had hoped the worst was over but now we are set for another year of accusations, appeals and a truth that is far from being known.

My Week In Review

By | July 6, 2007

A week ago I was down in Calgary. Now, I am sitting at home enjoying the Friday on what turned out to be another gorgeous day. What a week it has been.

We travelled 1800KM’s, saw five concerts, experienced torrential rain, had a near miss with a deer and made great memories all over the long weekend.

By now most are aware of the secret show Jack and Meg performed at a Youth Center last weekend. I made several phone calls before rushing off with Jenna in tow.

When we arrived we were able to get a decent spot infront of Jack. Everyone I called was able to make it into the show, even Aaron made it in who just came in the back door when the main entrance was closed to the amount of people.

White Stripes - Edmonton Early Show - 02 White Stripes - Edmonton Early Show - 03
White Stripes - Edmonton Early Show - 01 White Stripes - June 30 Late - Behind Head

The experience was surreal and a treat that lead into a fantastic main show on Saturday. As I wrote earlier, the setlist was amazing. Songs were played from The White Stripes and White Blood Cells that I thought I would never hear. It was a gem and listening back to the show I am reminded of how great it was.

Six hours after going to sleep I was and getting ready for the trip to Saskatoon. The trip was peaceful and we encountered little traffic. Obviously Aaron and I had spent a lot of time in a car together to this point. Although with the addition of Wendy she livened up the ride as we talked music and discussed our new empire: STB. I will save you the back story.

We got into Saskatoon around 1:30PM but could not check into the hotel until 4:00PM. We ventured off down the road in search of a hotspot so we could get an update on a Saskatoon free show.

We ended up in Starbucks and as I logged onto the wireless connection a phone call came in from a Saskatoon connection telling me the news. Aaron and Wendy grabbed their drinks and we rushed back to the car. Thanks to Aaron’s GPS unit we were able to head in the direction of the secret show.

Everything seemed good until the navigator took us to an empty parking lot. Minutes were ticking by and we felt our window of opportunity close. We felt that we should turn right at a corner.

We asked an elderly couple walking down the street if they knew where Eastview Bowl was. Either they did not hear us, or were messing with us, but both shook their heads. Not more than 100m behind them was the bowling lane. Score one for you Grandma!

We jumped out of the car and ran inside to see a crowd gathered around several lanes. Anticipation was building and then Jack and Meg crossed the lanes with pins in hand and rocked out. This moment was just as surreal as the one from the day before.

A band I had seen only from afar was now six feet away from me and playing an intimate show for us. The set was shorter but featured a new batch of rarities, and one song (Red Bowling Ball Ruth) which had only been played a handful of times.

White Stripes - Saslatppm Early Show - 01 White Stripes - Saskatoon Early Show - 02
White Stripes - Saskatoon Late Show - 01 White Stripes - Saskatoon Late Show - 02

As my update from Monday morning would tell you, the show was a success and we were all exhausted. After a quick breakfast we headed back to Alberta. Not more than twenty-four hours after we had entered this province, we were leaving it.

The rest of the week flew by. I spent my time listening back to the concerts, reliving the moments and reading about the experiences of others from the weekend. It was truly an amazing moment and one I will not forget for some time.

The good next kept rolling last week as last Friday Matthew Good announced a tour date in Edmonton. Obviously I was excited and on Thursday after a little bit of chaos buying tickets I was able to get upper balcony, front row. This spot is similar to where I sat last year.

Matthew Good - In Studio

Then today while recapping the buying experience with another Matthew Good fan online I discovered that there was a second show added. Quick on the ticket buying and I had two front row balcony seats for two consecutive nights. The two Matthew Good shows lead into an intimate concert with Tegan and Sara. It is going to be a good September.

With the conclusion of The White Stripes marathon there should be less Jack and Meg talk on here. Most of June was dominated by candy cane conversations but don’t be surprised if a post flares up about how great the Edmonton show was or how timid Meg acts when she sings; it will be just me reminiscing about this past weekend.

My Summer Call

By | June 10, 2007

Last night was the first sign of summer I look forward to every year: lightning. I love everything lightning brings. The clouds grow dark, rain starts to fall and the sky glows with forks of lightning followed by the ground rattling thunder.

Lightning in the Sky

Jenna and I were leaving Sobey’s around 6PM when we saw the first flash of lightning and the thunder was close behind. Once in the car another thunder clap vibrated through the car. Awesome.

Unfortunately the east view from the condo did not include the storm. Still, it got me excited for what was to come and hopefully many more nights on the balcony looking out at the power of Zeus.

My Freefall

By | May 11, 2007

For the last few weeks I have lacked motivation. I am not sure if work is taking all of my energy, or my body does not know how to react to sunlight but there are times I feel like I am just coasting. I could go to bed Monday and wake up Thursday and think that was natural.

This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?

At work the idea was proposed that we go to Coachella next year. We figured that if we saved $50 from each paycheque between now and then we would have a thousand dollars to cover the cost of tickets, accommodation and travel.

An interesting idea, we will see if this goes anywhere. The last few years at Coachella appear to have been epic, so why would it break from tradition in 2008? If anything it would be one helluva stag for my wedding six weeks later.

Jenna is at work tonight so I am using my free time to edit the Wednesday night recording of Everclear. I do not think I will get around to editing the Interpol show. I still have some shows from 2005 that have not been edited yet and some work to do on the March 2006 Matthew Good DVD, so Interpol will go on the backburner.

That is what you get for being such a minimalist band Interpol, how does it taste?

The Everclear set was surprisingly solid. They flowed some one song to another with a very quick transition. By my count there were 20 songs played in a ninety minute set, very tight. If they did come back it would be great to see them in a smaller venue, perhaps Starlite Room or something similar.

I imagine their fan base will probably only allow for a smaller venue as the days of playing the Shaw Conference Center are gone.

I plan on cycling through Beaumont tomorrow morning. It has been about ten months since my last ride and am looking forward to it. The bike was tuned up this week, and without charge. When I bought the bike in September 2005 I was given a free year of service. I only used that luxury once, and figured that last September my free service had expired.

Although when I picked the bike up this afternoon he put a United Cycle sticker on my seat to let the cashiers know everything was good and sent me on my way. Thanks United Cycle, I will be back very soon to put that saved money back into your store.

My Slow Motion Daydream

By | May 10, 2007

We like pop. We like soul. We like rock but we never liked disco.

Last night was memorable in every sense. The band played an intense, hit-filled set with great crowd participation and interaction.

Cowboys was a surprisingly good venue and made for an intimate setting with room for five hundred. Brad and I picked a spot just off the dance floor and in front of the soundboard for optimum viewing and sound quality.

For such a great night my only complaint was the time it took for Mariana’s Trench to take the stage. The doors opened at 7:00 but the show did not start until 9:00. It makes for a long night when you have been standing for ninety minutes before the first song begins.

Once the bands started it was three and a half hours of decent music. Mariana’s Trench was a surprise as they played with the passion of Billy Talent, a dose of harmony and had great stage presence.

Tupelo Honey is a band I have heard of but could not recall ever hearing a song of theirs. Their style was very Albertan, and the crowd ate it up. It felt like a strange band to have open for Everclear, but it was certainly better than Volcano (Volcanic?) who opened for them in 2001.

Everclear hit the stage a little after 11:00 and played a solid set with a lot of tunes from So Much for the Afterglow. There was a healthy dose of songs from their other records too and each song would bring me back to my memories of years gone by when I heard the song for the first time.

For the encore Art sounded genuinely sincere about the crowds reception and as a treat played Loser Makes Good from World of Noise, a song rarely played live. At the end of their set Art invited girls on stage to rock out. Then the band busted into a cover of 867-5309/Jenny and closed out the night.

I imagine I will remember more when listening back to the show. Unlike Interpol, I am actually looking forward to editing this show. Curious? Read further”

Everclear Audio
Right Click > Save As to listen to “Santa Monica” from last night. A crowd favorite and one that received a lot of participation.

My Little Bird

By | April 25, 2007

Today has been one of those days where it clicked. Allow me to recap the last six hours of it.

White Stripes - Icky ThumpIn the afternoon the new song from The White Stripes Icky Thump was released to the airwaves and I was able to get my hand on a digital copy where I listened to it over and over again.

It took a few listens but I got into it and the return of guitars have be excited for this record.

As I got in my car Sonic started playing Icky Thump and I rolled the windows down and enjoyed a beautiful drive home with a fantastic song.

While waiting for an early release of Lost to finish download I checked a White Stripes message board for details on their Canadian tour and there were dates posted!

Obviously traveling to Yukon or Northwest Territories is not feasible but the local ones are. To see the whole tour click here. But the following is what I have in mind.

June 29, 2007
The Pengrowth Saddledome
Calgary, AB

June 30, 2007
Shaw Convention Center
Edmonton, AB

July 1, 2007
TCU Place
Saskatoon, SK

July 2, 2007
MTS Centre
Winnipeg, MB

Obviously I will be going Calgary and Edmonton, but Saskatoon and Winnipeg are tempting. If you are going to Saskatchewan, you might as well go to Manitoba, right?

I am filled with utter excitement. And in an hour Vancouver starts their series against Anaheim. I don’t care what they say Wednesday, you do rule!

My Prairie Prayer

By | April 18, 2007

Fat AssI have returned from Regina. Sixteen hours, a full belly and infinite family members is what was in store for me over the weekend.

I would like you to meet all twenty eight pounds of Fat Ass.

That is his name and even acknowledges it. He rolled in as a stray, found a steady supply of food and has not left since.

There were a lot of good moments from the trip but this stood out as the highlight.

I was laughing about Fat Ass hours after I met him. He was offered to me as a gift, plus a months supply of food, but I had to decline due to space restrictions in our vehicle.

The rest of the trip was good. Even the eight hour drive to Regina was manageable, mostly due to the fact that Steve did all of the driving. When we arrived in Regina there was a delicious supper laid out for us followed by fresh strawberries for dessert.

Our host, Grandma Benko, did everything on her own. By the time we woke up Saturday morning the 89-year old had made several jars of strawberry jam. Then for lunch she allowed us to have a go at her home-made pirogies.

I ate a lot over the weekend. I can say that this was my first 4-day stretch of not feeling hunger in months; and it was great. Even on a full stomach I still had Chinese buffet, that is the mental state I was in.

The wedding was really good and offered Jenna and I the inspiration we needed to resume our wedding planning. Check out in the upcoming days to get an update on what we have done and ideas we have had.

There was a lot of visiting as well. A majority of Jenna’s family (on both her Mother and Father’s side) live in the land of cheap real estate, Pilsner and Rider Pride and I feel like we met them all; even Grandma’s neighbor.

We are next on the marriage docket so I will be seeing them all again in the near future. Feel free to check out some of the selective images on my Project 365 page.

While I was away was launched successfully. Although when I returned to work on Tuesday I was only a little behind on the companies happenings but I have managed.

Hockey Night Tonight
Willie MitchellVancouver is in a very good position to wrap up their first round series against Dallas following their 2-1 victory last night.

While all broadcasting signs pointed to the game on CBC it was not to be found on the local network. Because of this I had to rely on the Internet for my updates.

While constantly refreshing (I realize does it better but I like going to I missed the highlight of the night.

Several minutes remained in the third and Vancouver was up by a goal. Dallas charged hard and looked to have a goal. Then Willie Mitchell stormed the net and swept the black disc away from fully crossing the goal line.

After a video review it was ruled no goal and Vancouver held onto the lead and walked away from Dallas with a Texas sweep. Vancouver can finish the series off tomorrow night and advance to the second round, in what Vancouver fans will tell you, feels like years.

My Eighteen Items
My 18 ItemsWhat is this? Two toes without a nail? On Thursday night I took it upon myself and forcefully removed the dying toe from my right foot. The right part of the toe was still attached but there was minimal blood. I am now on the healing process with two less toe nails.

Those who were expecting the same level of gore you have come to know and love in the past will be disappointed as my toe nails will no longer be a topic of discussion as the excitement is over. Stay tuned for what I can damage next though!