My Lord Of The Rings

By | March 14, 2007

3.14Happy Pi day for all!

I am a few hours late for posting on the Pi Minutes (1:59PM) but I am sure it will be 1:59PM somewhere, sometime. I may have a chance to reach Hawaii.

March 14 has a lot of fanfare, even to the point of cult status. There is a religion based on Pi (not as cool as the Jedi religion) or a tutorial on how to get get groovy on this magical day.

Some may know this day for other reasons but the scientific one is a little more G-rated. Regardless of what you celebrate today, enjoy 3.14 to two complete decimal points.

Ambush Marketing

Olympic, Rings, 2000 Sydney, 2002 Utah, 2004 Athens, Torino 2006, 2008 Beijing, 2010 Vancouver and 2012 London.

See what I did there? I just broke the Olympic and Paralympic Bill several times.

This came to my attention after finding out that our Olympic Qualifier curling page on was in violation and were exposed for a lawsuit. I quickly removed any Olympic phrase and image from the page to make it a little more ambiguous.

The Canadian Curling Association, who is a sponsor of the curling event in Vancouver, was unsure of our use of the word Olympic in our page and passed it up to someone in the International Olympic Committee.

Forbidden TextThe IOC contacted us and told us of the infraction and possible legal action that could be taken.

Curious, I began to do some research on the restrictions enforced and discovered the Olympic and Paralympic Bill. From there I found a few pages that discussed this bill.

Apparently this bill was only passed twelve days ago in Canada, but is not uncommon for host committees to pass this bill leading up to their big event.

…Minister of Industry, announced today the introduction in Parliament of a bill that will provide special, time-limited intellectual property protection for Olympic and Paralympic words and symbols in the lead up to the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games. The Olympic and Paralympic Marks Act will strengthen the exclusive rights of the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC) over these words and symbols and improve its ability to negotiate sponsorship agreements with businesses interested in associating themselves with the 2010 Winter Games.

I was pretty amazed at the power this bill has and how serious the IOC is about enforcing their image. We are a site that promotes curling and have nothing but good intentions but were still under the radar of the IOC’s legal system. I realize they wish to protect their image but it almost feels like they are limiting themselves by enforcing this.

The IOC has their reasons, as does the host committees for implementing this bill but it seems counterproductive.

In other news, this is also post number 300. Sadly, there were a few along the way that got deleted so while this technically may not be an epic occasion, I will count it as one as 304 or 305 is not as glamorous.

PS: Happy birthday Nora – you make 3.14 that much more special.

My Yearly Condition

By | March 8, 2007

subungual (sub-UN-gul) hematoma (HE-muh-TOE-muh)

I have a name for it so now I can talk about it amongst my peers. The best resource on the condition I found was here, but Google pulled 21,800 results.

A subungual hematoma is a collection of blood in the space between the nail bed and fingernail.

March 2007 March 2006

When to Seek Medical Care
If the hematoma is 25% or more of the underlying nail area, then medical attention is required.

The subject of the photo on this Wiki article appears to have gotten off easy with what I have been capable of.

Not sure what my plan of attack is. Last year Dad tried, and failed, to get through my bruised nail to relieve the pressure with a hot paper clip. This year I may be upgraded to a hot needle with Jenna at the helm.

The pain comes and goes, but is always there as a dull to medium throbbing pain. The year in between injuries has given me a chance to forget how painful this is. If it happens again next year I will think to myself that this is more painful than the year prior.

The one plus side is I am wearing sandals at work in March. The weather is warm enough to justify it, and while I do have socks on (black to match the sandals) I feel like I am starting a trend. If not saving my co-workers from staring at my exposed feet.

I need to create a medical category for my blog posts for the times that I damage myself bad enough that the effects last a whole calendar year.

Until then, I am still cautious of moving objects and door frames.

My Fun Pano

By | March 7, 2007

Friday, March 2
Downhill Riders makes the bus ride down to your ski destination a little more enjoyable by having a licensed bus. No one wants to be stone sober for an eight hour bus ride so a little bit of alcohol goes a long way.

By the time we reached city limits the eight of us in our party, and nearly everyone else on the bus, had a healthy buzz going and would only increase the further south we drove. Most of the trip is a blur. I remember Edmonton, Red Deer, Calgary and then Panorama – the moments in between are missing.

We stopped in Calgary so people could get a meal at Peter’s Drive-In. Suzi required more Gin so I offered to run down 16th Avenue with her. With time running out, and having ran eight blocks without success we decided we ran to far and turned back. Suzi investigated a nearby Safeway and I carried on back towards the bus.

I am not sure if this happened in the several minutes I was alone, or while I was running or something else but in the morning I woke up with a Calgary Transit pass dated for March 3 in my pocket. How it got there, I do not know. It is the mystery of the trip.

After the brief stop we continued on south and by 2AM we rolled into Panorama. It took a while to gather our gear from under the bus and find the condo but the eight of us made our way. Beer and cookies were consumed as a celebratory ‘we made it’ and around 3:30AM we passed out, the wakeup call would happen in four hours so we needed to get some rest.

Saturday, March 3
Fresh mountain air is a great cure for a hangover. That is if you feel it when you wake up. All of us felt a little intoxicated when we woke up at 7:30AM and collectively felt worse while we ate breakfast. There was greasy food in our stomachs, a beautiful day on the hill and a mountain of possibilities so we suited up.

This was my first trip our since Fernie last March so I was a little rusty and required a few blue runs to warm up. The snow was soft and the runs were not crowded. After a few runs we went up to the Summit and The View of 1000 Peaks.

Gord and I took off into our first double black diamond run of the day and quickly got into a situation bigger than we had imagined. We traversed a sketchy chute and made tracks where there were none to follow. Gord lead the way into a powdered area and avoided exposed rock and a hefty incline. It was a sign of things to come.

Following one of the runs Gord, Suzi and I went down I took a mogul to get some air and ended up casing my landing. I jammed my toe fairly hard in the boot and knew it was trouble. The poor sizing of my boots meant my other toe would be bruised as well, making a complete set.

One thing I wanted to do in Panorama was try the Taynton Bowl. It was nearing the end of the day and we made the hike along the ridge to find a decent looking drop-in point. We found Devil’s Drop.

It was a great run that seemed to go just keep on going. The only downside to Taynton Bowl is the long ski-out back to the village. Although after an intense run the mindless run is a welcomed change.

The evening was spent enjoying a delicious lasagna and salad supper while we drank and recapped our day. TBS was having a marathon of good movies so we stayed in, bought some more alcohol, a log for the fire and two decks of playing cards and our evening was set.

Cuban cigars were brought out, an ornament from a local tree was displayed and we finally called it a night around 1:30AM.

Sunday, March 4
We started the day off with bacon, eggs and toast cooked at our leisure at our condo, courtesy of Gord, Andrew and Tyler. The delicious smell of bacon summoned everyone to the kitchen.

Once the gear was packed under the bus and the condo cleared out we hit the hill for day two.

My feet were hurting from the skiing the day before and sliding into my boots the pain was amplified. I began to doubt how much I had in me but would tough it out for a few runs to see how comfortable I felt.

Suzi, Gord, Tyler, Andrew and I went straight to the Summit when we decided to attack Taynton Bowl for what would be my last advanced run of the day. We began walking along the spine of the mountain, passing several chutes when our destination became focused on the highest point we could reach.

If I was going to do one run today, I wanted to do it from there. After half an hour of hiking we came to the boundary line of Panorama which had a sign that clearly spelled out our fate if we were not careful.

After we crossed the boundary Tyler and Andrew turned back as the remaining three of us trekked upward. It was a single file path with several feet of unpacked snow on either side. We spread out as we walked and no one said anything the higher we climbed. Each of us were alone in our thoughts contemplating what was going to happen and anticipating the powder.

Another fifteen minutes passed before we reached the summit of the peak and had a view of everything. It was nearly noon, two hours after we left our condo at the bottom of the hill. Suzi and Gord spotted the best drop-in point and we geared up.

I tightened my gear and strapped my polls in and was the last to drop into glorious deep powder.

Unfortunately, in addition to having sore feet with every turn my bindings were loose and as I leaned too far back into a turn I popped out of my ski. I did one tumble roll and landed in chest high snow. Somewhere above me, buried beneath the snow, was my ski.

I spent the next while wading through the snow and digging a trench as I struggled upward. I recovered my ski and fastened myself together and continued downwards. The powder was deep and soft. The conditions were amazing.

Two hours of pain and walking was worth it fort his moment. After navigating the remaining steep, powdered and mogul sections we were home free on the flat ski out.

It was now 1PM, three hours since we hit the first chair, and we called it a day with several pitchers of beer and lunch at Crazy Horse. The time flew by and soon enough we had to load up the bus and make the long drive back home.

We rode into Edmonton at 11:30PM and went our separate ways. The trip was amazing and would gladly go back to Panorama given the chance. Here is to Psychoholic 2007!

My Tombstone

By | March 5, 2007

You Can Die

Two black toes, sore shins and walking with a current limp were worth it for the great skiing.

Expect a complete trip report once I have time to digest what happened and accompany it with images.

Beltzer: Normal man spends his life avoiding tense situations.
Dusty: Repo Man spends his life getting into tense situations, Beltzer!

My Blacklist

By | February 8, 2007

I was going to start on a post about the Vancouver/Edmonton hockey game on Tuesday, the Jetta being back in my possession or the start of amazing television this week. Although when I logged into the admin panel at the office today I was greeted with the above image. Blacklisted!

The admin of the blog, me, was restricted from accessing it. We have been in the office for less than a week and I have checked the admin panel a handful of times so the malicious or illegal activity aspect of the message is confusing.

Changing gears, I would like to say something serious. This is my ode to Wendy. I searched online, found related sites but no one said it better than Nora, so here is a completely random and heartfelt ode to Wendy.

My Clean Nail

By | January 22, 2007

Time heals all wounds. Physically and mentally. If enough time passes you will be able to see the brighter side of life. As a warning, this is not going to be a philosophical post.

Back in March my big toe was banged up pretty bad. The nail bruised and for months I had a black toe. In June the nail was removed and I began the process of growing a new toe.

My Clean Nail

This weekend was another milestone on my road to recovery. I have removed the final piece of bad nail from my toe. This nail was rougher and a little thicker than usual.

It started to grow in under the dying toe and had the exterior of a warrior.

With it now removed my toe looks normal, and just in time for the foot to go back in the boot.

My Day Six

By | January 7, 2007

Day Six Begins

When it happened, the news spread fast and hard. Season six of 24 is starting January 14 with a two hour premiere followed by another two hours the next night, but for those who are resourceful the premiere started this weekend.

Fox announced that the first four episodes were to be released on DVD the day after the second two hour premiere ended.

Some who received the DVD set early did the honorable thing and started sharing it out over the Internet.

Not one to wait another week I jumped on the torrent for the first four episodes and was able to enjoy the first two episodes a week early. It has been a long time since I watched 24 and it feels great to have Jack and the gang at CTU back.

The first two episodes were fantastic and I have read the next two do not disappoint either.


We’re running out of time!

My New Pioneer

By | December 14, 2006

I am currently watching Base v. Jeffries at the Canada Cup Qualifier. This is the first of two games I am watching tonight. Base has a good lead in the fifth so we will see how it carries out. I bet you are glad you know that.

I have been feeling off today. I got into work at 10A today because I will be staying until 11P, to cover the aforementioned curling games. My whole timing has been thrown off and I am hungry when I shouldn’t be and tired when I should be heading home. It is all a mess.

Our condo has a gym for everyone who is a part of Sienna Ridge. It is a fairly nice gym, considering the majority of people who live here are seniors the heavy duty equipment like a squat rack and Olympic plates are missing, but it still gets the job done. A nice universal, lots of free weights and six cardio machines are at your disposal.

In the gym is a place to write your concerns or problems with equipment. We need to correct the tracking on a treadmill, or resistance bands need to be replaced. General stuff like that. The first concern I have seen was dated back in July, before we moved in, and I do not think it has been addressed. No matter, the machine still works fine.

Although there was one concern that appeared last month and it should have been addressed in a timely manner. The upper cable that connects the vertical bench, leg curls and pull down bar has become worn down. The plastic coating flaked off the cable where it constantly rubs on the pulleys and exposed the wire.

This started happening in October and the report of the cable was written early November. You could hear the metal “grinding” as it went over the pulley. Little by little tiny hairs left the cable. I continued to use it because that part of the universal covers my triceps, biceps, chest, back and legs workouts. It is a pretty important set of machinery.

This morning, several days after I commented (to Jenna) on the impending threat the decaying cable posed, karma caught up with me. I was nearing the end of my use on the machine when there was a creak, followed by a metallic snap and a whole lot of metal, plastic, weight and such succumbing to gravity.

Once I cleaned up the mess and re-emphasized the importance of replacing the cable on the bulletin board, I continued my workout. Fitting that my most used piece of equipment is crippled by me. I doubt it will be repaired any time soon, so it looks like I need to rethink some of my exercises.

That morning work out has led me in the funk I am feeling right now. Perhaps it will shed light on the telling of my anecdote or my next story.

I did a Google Image Search for “pioneer on the internet”. I am not sure why. It is something you do. You Google your name and projects you are associated with to see how popular you are. No surprise that Pioneer audio decks were a majority of the results, but I found one gem. This is my Pioneer on the Internet.

Tan Tin Wee - Pioneer on the InternetI would like you to meet Tan Tin Wee. He was on page one of the image search, so he is kind of a big deal. He is a programmer at the National Library Board in Singapore.

Perhaps he redesigned the Dewey Decimal Classification into a binary or a Java format.

I like to think he is covertly working at the NLB. He is a plant from a mysterious TLA organization in Moscow. Each day he arrives to work an hour early and stays until the cleaning crew comes by at night time. No one suspects anything because he is always doing his job.

He lives a normal life. He drives a sedan and drives his kids to soccer practice and school functions. He has been with the NLB for six years and worked his way up into a bigger desk space at every employee review.

His wife does not even know what Tan really does. She has a complimentary library card that she never uses. She secretly resents the fact that she settled for Tan when Osa was the better catch. Her parents told her Osa was better, Osa was going to become a doctor. Osa could provide for her. No, she settled for Tan because he made her smile. She doesn’t smile anymore. Not like she used to.

Now, when Tan is working long hours at the library she dreams of what life would have been like with Osa. Driving to fancy black tie affairs in a Cadillac and have the maid take care of everything around the house. Osa is not Tan and she is not happy.

Tan does not know that his wife has become tired of their relationship. Tan goes to work serving the NLB. He goes to work serving a greater good. A purpose that he will know soon enough. When the time is right, his years of due diligence and reconnaissance work will be worth it.

Tan is admirable because he does what is right and will continue to do so until told otherwise. We salute you Tan, and all of the sacrifices you have made will be worth it very, very soon.