It has been, again, since my last update. I will blame it on the weather.
It was a full weekend all around. On Friday night Gord and I had our first boys night since early January. In addition to Little Caesars and XBOX we also added a guitar dimension to our evening.
Gord’s mother returned from Mexico with tequila that has a neck strap. Never consciously accepting tequila I ventured into the “One tequila – two tequila – three tequila – floor!” realm. Of course this was only after we had several stiff drinks to start the evening off right.
Somehow, between the drinking, Battlefront and guitar playing I acquired a mean case of the hiccups. I held my breath multiple times, patted my head and rubbed my stomach but the hiccups would not go away.
Rather than attempting to capture the moment in a picture, Gord was able to get a video. Head over to his site and witness the hiccup feat for yourself.
I was lame on taking pictures throughout the night, but here are a few from the Friday that was.

The rest of the weekend was devoted to Bauer and condo/house browsing. Jenna and I ended up west of 109th street in the 51st avenue area. You would never think it, but there were some amazing houses in there. Old trees that towered above everything else, unique architecture that did not feel like you were in suburbia and an all around beautiful neighborhood.
When we looked at show homes we accidentally started off our two hour trek by going into the $400,000 houses first. After you have seen those nothing really compares. A master bed bathroom almost seems like a necessity.
Somehow we managed to trim back our house appetite and get into something that would fit us best. Sadly, a lot of the decision as to “what would fit us best” was determined by the cost.
After deciding that living on our own was too much to think about we turned to Bauer and his life at CTU. Making our way through ten episodes (up to number fifteen for the season) we only have nine remaining and then we will be all caught up. It may be premature, but this season is certainly in contention with being the best. It is right up along side the current number one of season three.