It’s not that I have been neglecting you dear Internet, it’s just that I have little to report. Because the show must go on, let’s do another famous multi-day recap. I finished my four day holiday playing video games (NHL 2005 for PC to be precise), watching U2″s concert in Chicago on DVD (cranked quite loud) as well as Brother’s Grimm. I have started reading Diary by Chuck Palahniuk and will then move onto Invisible Monsters before getting back to my Grisham and Crichton stash.
I worked today and here I am. I work for a few more days and then have four off and return fully refreshed in the new year. Nothing exciting has gone on in the last little bit. There have been no revelations or wild thoughts.
Aaron and I are finishing up the plans for our ski trip to Banff next week. We’ll spend two nights at Inns of Banff, ski Sunshine and possibly ski it again the next day. We will relax at the hot springs and do some ice hiking before we head home on Wednesday. It should be a grand trip, I wanted to spend more time in the mountains this season and this trip is getting that plan off to a good start. It will also offer me a chance to fully test the Jetta’s fuel consumption.