My Post-Holiday Advice

By | January 14, 2006

In the last week I have gained some wisdom and thought it would be
best to share it with you all, as to ensure your 2006 continues to rock.

Everyone buys eggnog over the holidays, but once Auld Lang Syne has
been sung that carton of eggnog gets ignored and pushed further back
into the fridge. The expiry date on the eggnog is only a suggestion.
Unlike it’s milk brethren, eggnog can be consumed far beyond the time
of expiration.

On Tuesday I had some eggnog that was two weeks past its’ expiration
date and it still tasted fine. In my younger days I drank December
eggnog in February and was just as good as ever. So, when cleaning out
the cranberry sauce and dried turkey pieces, look for the eggnog and
treat yourself to a tasty surprise.

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