Not a whole lot to report. I’ve been working and am almost heading home. Friday at 9PM by West Edmonton Mall is scary, there’s a lot of traffic. It’s almost like my mini-rush hour. The weather has created a few accidents but fortunately the mighty Jetta and I are always going in the opposite direction.
Did you know that in MySQL a TINYINT has a size limit of 127? Yeah, it certainly is a tiny integer compared to its integer brother which has a limit of’well, I’m not sure, it’s large. Anyhoo that created some headaches about twenty minutes ago but we’re all good.
My craving for more Lost has come to its climax as I was going to stop off at Future Shop tomorrow and pick up season one so I could resume watching it where I left off. But, Gord has come through and will supply me my fix as we were able to get our schedules in line. On my way home to Millet this evening I’m stopping by his place to get all remaining episodes, including what has been aired of season two. I won’t have another marathon on my days off, but I plan on going through six or so on Tuesday, and maybe more Wednesday evening. By the sounds of it I think I’m gearing up for another marathon.