I don’t recall taking most of these pictures, infact I doubt they ever happened but they were on my camera so I guess it did happen during the evening (or rather morning). My picture taking ability quickly gets worse as the evening/morning go on, so excuse the problems the flash caused.
The pictures from that night are posted in completion, but decided to hide them from the main page because it took a few more seconds to load the page because the pictures are hosted on my server. Don’t worry, the good times and blurry memories will be available for all to see for many moons.
So, let’s begin reliving my Friday night/Saturday morning.

This little yellow dragon become an important part of the evening. Think of him as the Travelocity gnome. And the two XBOX’s that helped us celebrate this evening.

Once the yellow dragon made a move for the alcohol and attacking each of us we took the matter into our own hands.

Consuming a yellow dragon leads to Zombie Eyes – you are warned.

Banned for posting on the Internet (my site) while drunk! And the yellow dragon makes an epic return.

This time the dragon brought some friends, who are heading over to an Eskimo game.

Ten to six and I’m still drinking.

Tomorrow Never Dies? Well if you stay up all night it sort of ties into the next one. And now the yellow dragon is our own Enemy at the Gate.

Have you ever forgotten that 3D glasses were made? I did and it rocked my socks.

In other non-partying news, I upgraded to WordPress 2.0 yesterday. I don’t think readers will notice any differences but the admin side of things got a design make over. I’m not sold on the upgrade, I’d like to see users have the ability to preview posts – or give them the WYSIWYG editor that I have now. Oh well, rock on!