It has been almost two weeks since I put on any new music to my iPod and in that time I have had a chance to listen to a lot of the same music. What has been in my ear the most, well the below albums are what I’ve listened to the most in that time”
Institute – Distort Yourself
Franz Ferdinand – You Could Have It So Much Better
Bowling For Soup – A Hangover You Don’t Deserve
Kaiser Chiefs – Employment
OK Go – Oh No
While I stick to the same genre of music most of the time, there are occasions where I will adventure into something different. Back in September I gave Kanye West’s Late Registration a listen to hear what all the hype was about. I have not listened to The College Dropout but will probably soon.
My most recent addiction has Gwen Stefani repeating “What’cha waiting, what’cha waiting, what’cha waiting for?” over and over in my head for the last few days. Just that one part, and I could picture her jumping around on the table while she sang it. The logical thing would be to avoid anything Stefani-related for the next month, but I went and listened to the record in an attempt to cleanse myself. One listen in and I was still not cured. There are just as many addictive lines that will most likely make me insane over the weekend and I need to listen to them all again.